I’m pretty certain in most of my endeavors that I am right. My ideas, my plan of action, goals and other matters are perfectly clear to me. And of course these ideas, actions and goals are the RIGHT choices.
Oh, pardon me; is my foot on your disagreeing face uncomfortable? I didn’t notice.
NOT part of the plan for the future. Sure, I’m going to be pretty clear about what I am doing and what I perceive to be right. (I am genetically arrogant) But, my policy will not be one of assuming that if I ignore your disagreeing face, you will go away. My policy has no place for the intentional bad manners of closing people out or ignoring them as if they didn’t exist. If you catch me at the Supermarket while in a hypnotic shopping haze, please know it is not intentional.
Because, I know that you can see behind me better than I can. I may not apply your opinion or advice, but I recognize the value you offer when you make the effort to let me know what you see.
Because, I know there are no new ideas. You or someone you know has been down this path before. The things you have learned are of value to me when weighing my decisions. I once read that the best way to cross a mine field was to follow someone. Ignoring you to defend my idea turf as if I were the last to receive revelation would be just plain stupid.
Because exchange is a two way street. Just as you have valuable insights to share with me, I need to have your open ear, open eyes and open heart when I have something to contribute. What goes ‘round, comes ‘round.
Your presence in my world is part of my plan for a remarkable 2007.