A couple virtual whizzes, Heather Jacobsen and Becki Noles got together with an idea that would be a strong resource for virtual assistants and other admin. professionals, with the emphasis on VAs. This Big Idea grew into the
Virtual Assistant Revolution (the REV). The Big Idea -- the REV is so important to me that it has it's own
RESOURCES page on my website.
The logo for the Revolution speaks volumes! We are Revolutionary in our concept for developing our virtual assistance businesses. We Revolve around the idea of building strong, productive businesses and relationships through "the Rev."
Heather and Becki wrote out a program that is incredibly pro-Active for the membership. They accumulated information resources that are part of the membership and available to all members from day one. The entire membership si committed to sharing what they can with other members either through an outright donation of their information or some fine discounts for members. Members are go-getters with an accumulation of information and experience to share with one another or new people who are developing their history.
I gain regularly from an excellent, informative, to-the-point newsletter from
the REV. I gain from seminars and indepth training sessions scheduled for members. To accommodate time zones and WORKING ( working is the foundation of what we do), access to most, if not all, of the educational and informative workshops and seminars are provided through transcription of recordings or notes.
Virtual Assistant Revolution members offer comments on questions and information in a courteous, professional manner that includes a healthy dose of humor. The entire atmosphere is charged with pro-active energy for the development of virtual assistant businesses. No one can do it for someone else, but an energetic network is healthy stimulation for me or you to pursue and achieve goals. I appreciate this 'working' atmosphere on the REV. I enjoy the give and take of a frothy network as much as anybody, but I find that my time and energy has to be aimed at the benefit of my business most of the time. I recommend membership in the Virtual Assistant Revolution to meet this need.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about the
Virtual Assistant Revolution or need help with your subscription.